Winter is here and to spend it in good conditions I want to speak about your immune system today.

The role of the immune system is to protect our body from virus, bacteria, fungus and other parasite which aggresses us every day. If our immune defence is defective, it would cause cold, influenza, gastrointestinal disorders and other serious diseases.

It is important to keep it fit and therefore, food has a central role.

At the beginning of winter, it is important to increase the supply of:

Vitamin C
Known for its energizing power. Stimulates the body and allows to prevent infections and winter diseases.  Our body does not produce vitamin C, therefore we have to bring it, especially in the case of stress, because stress contributes to reduce the vitamin C reserves.

Consume a lot of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

It strengthens the mucosa of the throat, nostrils and the digestive tract which reduces the capacity of the virus to attach and to get into the body. It is essential for the development of natural killer cells.

A lack will cause a reduction of the immune function and we will be less resistant to diseases.

Favour wholemeal bread, cereals, meat, oleaginous fruits, milk products, eggs.

Vitamin D
It is the third nutrient which has an essential role for the immune protection. It fixes the calcium at the bones. Reduces the production of stress hormone. Vitamin D is naturally produced by our skin when the sun shines on.

Because the sun is less present in winter you have to watch out to increase the consumption of oily fish, mushrooms, anchovy, eggs, plant milk.

Vitamin A
It allows the growth of white blood cells. Without vitamin A the cells can’t grow or develop and this reduces the efficiency of our immune system.

You will find vitamin A in liver, milk products, meat, fish and eggs. On the plant side in green vegetables, fruits and yellow-orange vegetables.

Vitamin E
Resists to disease and infections, also an antithrombotic action.

You will find it in butter, plant oils, oleaginous fruits, dried apricots, fennel, eggs and leafy vegetables.

It stimulates the immune system by favouring the production of antibodies. Has an antibacterial and antiviral action.

You will find copper in pickled herring, calf liver, shellfish, legumes, chocolate.

Antioxidant capacity. A lack will increase the sensibility for infections but an overdose can be harmful.

We find a high rate of selenium in Brazil nuts. A reasonable rate we will find in monkfish, anglerfish, tuna, lobster, hake, egg yolk, rabbit, mussels and wholemeal products.

Apart from the food you have different other ways to strengthen your immune system, like :


  • Doing sport activities anytime with the right clothes for each weather, also during winter time. Your immune system produces more cells which would attack the bacterial invaders.
  • Go to the thermal bath, the hot water fights the stress, chronical diseases and burn-out. It helps to combat tiredness and lack of sleep.
  • Sleep well: the cells regenerate and your body heals himself during the sleep.
  • Caring the intestinal flora.

In addition, some herbal tea with thyme, ginger or echinacea can be benefit to boost your body during a weakness of your immune system. Some essential oils also can be a complement to a healthy diet: ravintsara, tea tree or thyme can help to strengthen your immune defence.

With all these tips on your mind you will pass the winter in top form!

I wish you a pleasant reading and happy holidays!