Today I inform you about snacking before sport for physically active persons several times a week.

« What you eat bevor your workout will affect your performance and the recovery process  »

On top position: Hydration which is essential for an athlete!

Transpiration would lead to lose water and causes dehydration. Good hydration prevents injuries, cramps and fatigue.

« Drink water!  »

Why should I take a snack before the workout ?

To improve your performance. You need power and resources to concentrate, to increase your mental level and your motivation.

Your body needs to provide enough of energy to give everything.

It also accelerates the recovery process.

How I have to compose my snack ?

First you have to determine the moment of the day, when you want to do your workout and depending on it you can adjust your nutrition!


If you take one of the three daily main meals and you will do a workout after 2 or 3 hours you only have to plan a meal with complex carbohydrates. Your body has time to digest and you will not have stomach pains.

In this case you don’t need a snack except, of course, in case of need.


If your last meal was longtime ago from your workout you have to take a snack about 1 hour before.


You need to know that carbohydrates = energy. If you take food with carbohydrates, the glucose will enter into the muscle cells and you will have the necessary energy to train with a maximum of your capacities.

If you have a lack of glucose during your workout you feel low and tired, you have no more energy.

The snack has to be light, it has to optimize hydration and maintain reserves in energy (notably the glucose reserves).

It has to be rich in carbohydrates, low fat and low fibres to avoid digest problems.

Example :

  • one ripe banana
  • a slice of bread with jam or honey
  • Biberli or Läckerli
  • rice cake, etc

Do not forget a big glass of water.

Before your workout it is important to feel full of energy and ready to give all. You have not to feel bloated and heavy but also not to risk hypoglycemia!

The foods to avoid before workout are high fat foods, foods containing much of fibres (difficult to digest) and foods staying longtime in your stomach. In addition to be bad for your health, your workout would not be the best!

Do not hesitate to test the snacks and quickly you will see your performance increasing!

I wish you a good sport session and see you soon!