Water represents 50 to 60 % of our body weight.

The difference of the volume of water in the body depends on the body mass. A muscular body has a high amount of water. In reverse, a body with much fat mass would have a lower amount of water.

« Without water we die in 2 to 3 days! »

Water is necessary for the transport of nutrients, hormones, oxygen, gas, waste etc. also for thermal regulation, arterial pressure regulation, lubrification of articulations, waste disposal, hydration of skin, etc…

We recommend drinking one of 2 litres of drinks without sugar per day, like tap water, mineral water or fruit or herbal tea.

Drinks with caffeine like coffee, black tea or green tea also contribute to the hydration.

At the sporty aspect, water is very important for the performance.
During an effort of several hours, we lose continuously water.
Performance reduces with a loss of 1-2% of body weight.
Performance reduces considerably with a loss of 5% of body weight.
With a loss of 10% of body weight, the dehydration is severe, danger!

Dear winged friends, keep hydrated!

Be mindful, because for an untrained person the curve is nearly the same and with 10% of loss of body weight, the vital prognosis is in danger. The only difference is that the sportsman will drink a larger quantity.

Concerning the hydric scale, an adult lose 2,5 litres per day in average with stool, respiration, transpiration and urine.
The contribution is 1 litre with endogenous water and food. We have to bring 1,5 litre to compensate the 2,5 litres.

Persons with a risk for dehydration are seniors, endurance athletes, small children and sick persons (important diarrhoea and vomiting’s).

Tricks to think about drinking or to increase your water intake:

  • put some glasses of water or bottles of water at the places you pass during the day.
  • put some sticky notes everywhere with a reminder « drink »
  • prepare a thermos of tea in the morning which has to be empty at the end of the day etc.

We can’t repeat it enough : DRINK DRINK DRINK !