Miscellaneous articles


I would like to leave my accommodation, what do I have to do? To rent my accommodation I had to sign a lease contract with my lessor. To leave my accommodation I have to terminate in writing my contract. How does it work? On my lease…

Watching TV with Apartis

Our rooms are perfectly equipped for internet but not with a telephone connection. Therefore, it is not possible to plug in a Swisscom, Salt, Sunrise or other box. Fortunately, there are other options to watch TV! Watching TV takes has changed…

Internet Connection Wifi

All buildings of Apartis have high-speed internet connection. It is easy to connect: choose the "Apartis" network, enter your personal codes and go! The APARTIS network is an open network but you can use it without any hesitation: The…

Tenancy law – Subletting

Is it possible to sublease my room during the semester break? How do I proceed? The sublease is amenable to the Art. 262 of the Code of Obligations. If I sublease my accommodation I become lessor and the subtenant becomes tenant. For that…